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    Carrollton Teen Driver Accident Lawyer

    In Georgia, a person is eligible to start driving when they are 15 years old. However, that does not always mean they are prepared for the responsibility that can entail. As a result, a teen driver may find themselves involved in an accident. These accidents can have serious consequences for the young drivers.

    Despite minors under the age of 18 being incapable of being civilly sued in the State of Georgia, they might still be heavily involved in the case. You as their parent or their guardian can be named as the defendant in such a case while your child will only be identified by their initials.

    That being said, as a parent your primary concern is the safety of your teen driver who may have been injured in the accident. In such a complicated situation, it is important to work with a qualified Carrollton teen driver accident lawyer that can help. A compassionate and capable legal advocate can work with you to assure that your child receives the compensation and the justice that they deserve.

    Age to Obtain a Learner’s Permit

    In Georgia, a person must be 15 to obtain a learner’s permit, also called an instructional permit, as a requirement of the Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TADRA). TADRA is a graduated driver’s license process with several licensing stages for teen drivers. In addition, Joshua’s Law established a 30-hour classroom education requirement for teens. Instructional permits and driver’s licenses are issued by the Georgia Department of Driver Services. A person cannot legally drive before the age of 15.

    Common Fact Patterns Associated With Teen Driving Accidents

    The use of a cellphone is almost always involved in an accident with a teen driver. Other common fact patterns include cars full of teens. The driver just gets distracted and loses control of the vehicle. Distracted driving is the biggest risk with teen driving. However, parents these days buy their new driver’s fancy cars that their teen is ill-equipped to handle.

    Teens are more likely to be involved in accidents because of their lack of experience. Nobody wakes up one day and knows how to drive. There are a lot of visual cues and distractions that someone needs to develop and practice to safely operate a motor vehicle.

    Advice Parents Can Give Their Teens Who Drivers

    It is impossible for parents to prevent their teen from becoming involved in a car accident. Until the car industry figures out a way to completely disable handheld cellphone use while operating a vehicle, teenagers are going to keep having car accidents. One thing a parent can do is give them advice on how to drive safely.

    A parent should tell their teenage child that they should never leave the scene of the accident. They should stay where they are and call 911 immediately if they are able to do so. They should check that everyone is okay and call a parent soon after.

    Teen Drivers and Insurance

    Teen drivers tend to have higher premiums than experienced drivers. The minimum insurance limits in the State of Georgia are $25,000. Parents should always have the car fully insured with uninsured motorist coverage as well as medical payments so that if their son or daughter is involved in an accident and injured, they are well taken care of. Insurance adjusters know when a teen driver is involved. That claim is likely to be worth more than a similar claim with an experienced driver. A Carrollton teen driver accident lawyer can work to ensure that the insurance takes their claim seriously and treats their teen driver fairly.

    Qualities to Look For in an Attorney

    Parents looking for a lawyer after their teen is injured in a car accident should look for someone who can be compassionate or stern when appropriate. An experienced Carrollton teen driver accident lawyer can consult with you to explain what way to best handle the personal injury claim. It is important to instill in teenagers and new drivers the power of the piece of machinery they are operating. It is also important to make sure that the rights of your teen driver are protected. Work with a capable attorney that can advocate for you, and your child.