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    Talladega Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

    As our loved ones age, we sometimes face the difficult choice of placing them in a nursing home. Whether they are unable to live independently or need medical care beyond what family can provide, nursing homes should be respites for seniors.

    All too often, though, they are the setting for abuse and neglect. A survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services found that 44 percent of long-term nursing facility residents had experienced abuse or neglect.

    Our team of Talladega personal injury attorneys can help you and your loved one pursue legal action against negligent, abusive caregivers. To learn more or discuss your case, consult with a Talladega nursing home abuse lawyer today.

    Types of Elder Abuse

    It might shock some people to learn about the wide variety of types of nursing home abuse. Not limited to just physical abuse, elder abuse can manifest many different ways. Some common types include:

    • Emotional abuse. Screaming, humiliation and ridicule often plague nursing home abuse victims.
    • Physical abuse. Accidents happen, but repeated physical pain at the hands of a nursing home staff member is abuse.
    • Psychological abuse. By ignoring, isolating or bullying the senior, nursing home staff threaten the mental health of their patient.
    • Neglect. Unintentional or not, neglect has the same result: a physically and mentally unwell patient.
    • Fraud. Charging for care that was never provided, overcharging for services and recommending fraudulent remedies are all common methods of elder abuse.
    • Scams. By gaining the trust of elderly patients, nursing home staff can exploit them financially.

    Signs of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

    While some warning signs of abuse are obvious, most are much more insidious. Be on the lookout for the following red flags in your loved one’s nursing home facility:

    • Bed sores
    • Weight loss
    • Disorientation
    • Depression
    • Bruising
    • Unexplained fractures or injuries
    • Poor hygiene
    • Loss of mobility

    When a nursing home fails to provide adequate care, the physical and psychological ramifications can be significant. If you spot any of the above warning signs, consider reaching out to a Talladega nursing home abuse lawyer.

    Nursing Home Liability

    Nursing home abuse and neglect often comes from the negligent hiring of inexperienced staff members. Some facilities fail to conduct thorough background checks, putting their residents at risk.

    Even if an employee has a clean history and plenty of experience, they may face insurmountable challenges while working at the nursing home. These facilities are often understaffed, and employees don’t always receive the training necessary to provide quality care.

    If it can be proved that a nursing home mistreated or neglected a patient, the facility may be held liable for the damages that resulted. Medical bills, pain and suffering, disability and disfigurement can all be included in a settlement.

    Talk to a Talladega Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Today

    Your loved one doesn’t have to suffer in silence. Our attorneys can help report abuse to the authorities and take the legal steps necessary to advocate for the victim. If you suspect your beloved family member has been abused at the hands of nursing home staff members, call our Talladega nursing home abuse lawyer today.