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    Carrollton Taxotere Lawyer

    Taxotere is a chemotherapy drug used to treat breast cancer. While it is more potent and potentially toxic than other chemotherapy treatments, there is no evidence it is more effective than other drugs. In some patients, it may cause long-lasting negative effects, such as permanent hair loss.

    In 2005, Sanofi, the manufacturer of the drug, received results from a study showing that permanent hair loss could occur in as much as nine percent of the patients. While doctors and patients in Europe and Canada were warned of the dangers of the drug, those in the United States were not. Instead, Sanofi continued to aggressively market the drug to American doctors and patients.

    Consumers need to know the drugs they are taking are safe. If there are side effects, they have the right to know about them before using the medication. Many Taxotere patients did not know of the potential side effect of permanent hair loss and could now file a Taxotere lawsuit with the help of a Carrollton Taxotere lawyer. Compassionate personal injury attorneys could help you seek the compensation you deserve for this life-changing incident.

    Basics of Taxotere Lawsuits

    Negligence is the basis for all personal injury lawsuits. In cases of Taxotere-related hair loss, there may be many areas in which Sanofi could be deemed negligent. These could involve the manufacture of a dangerous drug or the sale of the medication without adequate testing.

    In addition to these claims, patients could also file a lawsuit regarding the fact that Sanofi continued to aggressively market the drug in Carrollton, misleading the public, patients, and doctors that would be using the drug. In short, a Taxotere lawyer in Carrollton could help patients prepare a claim to pursue compensation for any injuries sustained from using this medication.

    Compensation Available in Carrollton

    Nearly 1,000 people have already filed a claim against Sanofi for failing to disclose Taxotere’s side effects and for marketing the drug in a misleading manner. These individuals and any others who wish to file a claim may be eligible for compensation related to their injuries and losses.

    Permanent hair loss can be a very traumatic experience. On top of the physical effects, it can result in psychological distress, body image issues, and long-lasting depression. Furthermore, patients who consumed Taxotere may be experiencing this while also fighting cancer.

    In Carrollton, individuals typically cannot file a lawsuit to claim compensation for emotional distress unless there are also physical injuries involved. However, since Taxotere causes the physical injury of hair loss in addition to emotional distress, filing a lawsuit to claim compensation for emotional distress may be a real possibility for patients.

    Statute of Limitations

    While many patients who received Taxotere as a treatment were negatively affected by the drug, some still may not know they have a valid basis for a lawsuit. This can be more dangerous than they may realize, because injured individuals generally have only two years from the date they were first given the drug to file a lawsuit. After that time, any claims brought against Sanofi may be barred from financial recovery.

    Talk to a Carrollton Taxotere Attorney Today

    If you were given Taxotere and have suffered permanent hair loss as a result, it may be important that you speak to a Carrollton Taxotere lawyer as soon as possible. You may be able to receive a settlement for damages resulting from Taxotere, including medical costs and pain and suffering.

    If would like to have your situation assessed, do not hesitate to speak to local attorneys about your situation. They could help you file by the deadline and determine how much financial compensation you may be entitled to. Stand up for your rights by contacting a Carrollton Taxotere lawyer today.