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    Required Services for Nursing Home Residents in Carrollton

    When the Nursing Home Reform Act went into effect in 1987, certain services were required to be available for all residents of long-term care facilities. The purpose was to ensure patients were receiving adequate care, their personal rights were protected and to ensure each resident was treated with dignity and respect. If you suspect abuse or neglect of an elderly loved one, contact a compassionate nursing home abuse lawyer immediately.

    Potentially Required Services

    Some of the required services which must be provided to residents of nursing homes include:

    • Social Services – all nursing homes must adhere to federal standards of quality when they are involved with social services. In addition, any nursing home with more than 120 beds (not residents) must have a full-time social worker on staff.
    • Care Plans – each nursing home resident has the right to have a care plan specifically designed for their personal needs. In addition, patients also have the right to refuse any treatment including chemical treatment, mediation and any form of restraint.
    • Dietary Plans – each resident has a right to expect their diet will meet federal standards of quality. Patients have the right to refuse any foods that are offered to them and within reason to request certain foods.
    • Pharmaceutical Services – all residents must have proper levels of medication in line with federal standards. Medication standards include proper ordering, recording, storing, administration of medications as well as proper monitoring procedures.
    • Rehabilitation Services – residents who require rehabilitation services have the right to expect those services meet the federal standards of quality. Each patient’s rehabilitation plan must be customized for their personal ability and health.
    • Assessing Residents – all nursing home residents have the right to be assessed periodically. These assessments may result in dietary changes, care plan changes or changes to rehabilitation services. Residents have the right to be active participants in making the decisions about any of these changes.
    • Quality Nursing Services – every nursing home must adhere to a standard level of care for their residents. Unfortunately, understaffing can lead to neglect and/or abuse of patients which can often be prevented by ensuring proper staffing levels.

    Rights of All Nursing Home Residents

    Every nursing home resident has the right to certain levels of care including assistance as needed with feeding, medication and personal hygiene. Should a patient need assistance dressing they are also entitled to this type of assistance. Residents also have rights to refuse certain services; for example, they do not have to see a physician that is not one they choose, they have the right to refuse. Patients have a say in what type of treatment they receive for any illness as well.

    Patient rights cannot be violated including the right to leave the facility to visit with family members or friends, to participate in social or civic events or for any other purpose. In addition, nursing home residents are still able to participate in local, state and federal elections as well as have access to alcohol and tobacco products (within the limits of the law and the rules of the facility).

    Each of us has a concern about our family members as they age and we want and expect quality care when we place them in a resident nursing facility. In no way should our elderly relatives be treated unfairly or suffer through elderly abuse. The Nursing Home Bill of Rights for patients which is part of the Nursing Home Reform Act can help ensure they get the care and services they need and are entitled to.

    Should you have any concerns about the type or the quality of the care your loved one is receiving while a resident in a nursing home, you should report your concerns to the appropriate Georgia Health Department. Once you have done this, you may want to consider contacting an experienced nursing home abuse attorney for additional guidance and information.

    Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

    If you or a loved one has been the victim of elder abuse, you need the assistance of an experienced firm on your side. Contact The Parian Law Firm today.