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    Carrollton Car Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

    When it comes to auto insurance, many drivers only carry the minimum insurance necessary. While this may be cost-effective if you don’t get into an accident, this low coverage can create big financial problems for you if you are in a serious car accident where you are found at fault. The minimum insurance coverage is known as $25,000/$50,000/$25,000. This covers $25,000 for the death or bodily injury one person, $50,000 for the death or bodily injury of two or more people, and $25,000 for the destruction of property of other people. The minimum coverage does very little to protect you in the event of a catastrophic accident where you are found at fault.

    When is my insurance status verified by officials?

    Your insurance status is verified by officials when you replace or renew your vehicle tags, or when you register a new car. If you are driving your car, a police officer has the right to check the status of your insurance. If you have been stopped for a traffic violation or you have been involved in an accident, your insurance status will be checked by the police.

    What happens if I am found driving an uninsured vehicle?

    It’s important to always maintain the insurance on your vehicle. If you are found operating an uninsured vehicle, your vehicle will be impounded and you will be subject to fines before you get your car back. Your registration may be suspended the first time you are caught driving an uninsured vehicle, you can face jail time, fines and a license suspension.

    Are there harsher punishments if I am found driving an uninsured vehicle a second time?

    Your second offense of driving an uninsured vehicle within a five year period comes with an automatic 90-day suspension of your vehicle’s registration. Further fines and restoration fees will be assessed. You may also be incarcerated for up to twelve months.

    Do punishments get even worse if I am found driving an uninsured vehicle more than twice?

    If you are found driving an uninsured vehicle for the third time in a five year period, your vehicle’s registration will be suspended for six months, you will be assessed a fee, and you can go to jail for up to twelve months.

    If I fail to pay my insurance, how does the state of Georgia find out?

    All insurance companies that provide car insurance to drivers in Georgia must report to the Georgia Department of Driver Services when an individual purchases insurance, removes or adds a vehicle to a policy, or stops coverage.

    Can I go to jail if I don’t have car insurance?

    Even for your first offense, you can be incarcerated for up to twelve months for driving a registered vehicle that is not insured.

    Will my license be suspended if I am caught driving without car insurance?

    Your license will be suspended for sixty days the first time you are caught driving without car insurance. To get your license back, you must have proof of at least six months of car insurance coverage and pay a fine.

    What if I am hit by an uninsured driver who is at fault?

    You will be covered by your uninsured motorist coverage on your car insurance policy. This coverage may be minimal, so it’s important to look at your car insurance policy and pay for the best-uninsured motorist policy you can afford.

    What if I have been injured by an uninsured driver?

    You have the right to sue an uninsured driver who is personally liable for your injuries. This is generally not cost-effective as you will have to pay for an attorney and it may be impossible to collect any money from the uninsured driver.

    What is uninsured motorist coverage?

    Uninsured motorist coverage is added to your current insurance policy. This coverage protects you in the event that you are hit by a motorist who is not carrying car insurance. This type of coverage can pay for medical expenses, property damage, etc. if the other driver doesn’t have insurance. You can also get coverage for a driver who carries minimal insurance and your expenses far surpass what their insurance is going to pay out.

    Contact the Parian Law Firm, LLC

    If you have been injured in a car accident and you aren’t sure how to proceed, it’s time to contact a personal injury attorney who can look over your case to determine what to do next. Whether you have been injured by an uninsured motorist, or the at fault party has limited coverage, you have options. Give us a call at (770) 727-5550 or fill out the contact form to the right.