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    Types of Abuse in Anniston Nursing Homes

    Elder abuse is a growing problem in today’s world. Knowing the different types of abuse in Anniston nursing homes could help loved ones recognize them as they occur. And this could help them act before they suffer any permanent damage.

    If you believe a loved one is suffering from abuse in an Anniston nursing home, it may be important you speak with a passionate attorney who could help you with your case. Contact an Anniston nursing home abuse lawyer to learn more.

    Types of Elder Abuse

    According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, there are seven main types of abuse in Anniston nursing homes that could potentially occur:

    • Physical abuse
    • sexual abuse
    • Financial abuse

    What is Physical Abuse?

    Physical abuse occurs when a staff member, or members, of the nursing home use force to cause harm, pain, or injury to a resident. While using the hands or an object to strike a resident are often the most common types of physical abuse, it can also include shoving, burning, biting, or kicking them. When staff members force-feed or give elders medication inappropriately, it can also be physical abuse.

    Sexual Abuse

    Sexual abuse is when a staff member forces themselves onto an elder in a sexual manner. This can include intercourse, non-consensual nudity, unwanted touching, or taking sexual photos of an elder, such as when they are getting dressed.

    Psychological Abuse

    Psychological abuse, or emotional abuse, occurs when a staff member causes an elder to feel mental distress or pain either verbally or non-verbally. Psychological abuse often includes humiliating, insulting, threatening, or intimidating the elder. It can also include restricting the person from normal activities such as visiting with family because they did not comply. When the nursing home staff isolates an elder in their own room for long periods of time or gives them the silent treatment, this could also be a type of psychological abuse.

    There are also other types of abuse in Anniston nursing homes which involves neglect:

    • Neglect
    • Self-Neglect
    • Abandonment


    Neglect involves failing to provide a resident with proper care. This can include not helping them groom themselves properly, refusing them basic needs such as food, shelter, or clothing, and not taking proper care to ensure the elder is safe.


    Neglect does not always occur when a staff member of a nursing home does not properly care for an elder person. In some cases, the person could neglect to properly care for themselves such as refusing to use hearing aids or failing to properly clean up after themselves. Nursing home staff should always ensure they take care of the elder, even when the elder will not take care of themselves. Because of this, self-neglect is also a type of abuse that is too common in nursing homes.


    While neglect is more likely to occur in nursing homes than abandonment, that does not mean that this type of abuse never occurs. Abandonment occurs when a nursing home staff leaves an elder on their own with no care at all. This could occur in a nursing home if a staff member took an elder for a walk and left them outside with no care at all.

    There are other types of abuse in Anniston nursing homes which involve monetary value:

    Financial Abuse

    This type of abuse can be very hard to detect, even for the victim. Financial abuse occurs when a nursing home staff member uses an elder’s finances or property in an inappropriate way. This can include taking an elder’s bank card and stealing valuable jewelry or other valuables out of their room.

    Family members should always be on the lookout for different types of abuse in order to stop it from happening as soon as possible. No one wants to think their loved one suffered abuse, but it is important to consider to keep elders as safe as possible.

    Speak with an Anniston Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Today

    When elders suffer abuse in a nursing home, there is help. An attorney could help families take the necessary action to not only stop the abuse, but also get the elder any compensation they may deserve. Abuse can not only cause pain and suffering for the elder, but could also result in high medical bills to treat injuries and other expenses.

    If you suspect a loved one suffered one or more types of abuse in Anniston nursing homes, contact an Anniston nursing home abuse lawyer who could help.