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    It is Super Bowl Sunday!! | Parian Law Firm

    Posted on - Sunday, February 1, 2015 under General It is Super Bowl Sunday!! | Parian Law Firm

    National Holiday?  No.  Should it be?  Yes.  Outside of Black Friday after Thanksgiving, Super Bowl Sunday is the second most gluttonous day of American capitalism.  People of all makes, models, colors, and styles wait all year to see a great football game, a good halftime show, multiple versions of Rob Lowe, and lots of other once a year sort of things.  Here are some of the more surprising facts about Super Bowl Sunday that you may not know.

    • Players on the winning team will be paid $189,000.00.
    • 48 million Americans will order takeout.  That is more people than the entire population of Canada.
    • 325 million gallons of beer will be consumed, which would fill an entire Olympic sized swimming pool.
    • The average blood alcohol content (BAC) on Super Bowl Sunday is .091.
    • Car advertising is the most common on Super Bowl Sunday.

    Most of our favorite teams did not make the Super Bowl.  Try to pick a team and cheer them on.  Drink a cold whatever you choose and be sure to not order the hottest wings on the menu.  Have fun on this festive day.

    Proven. Personal. Parian.