Does the Snap Get Chats? SnapChat for Lawyers
Posted on - Wednesday, March 25, 2015 under GeneralSnapChat is now used by more people than Twitter. That is no Donald Trump declaration of quasi-truth. It is 100% true.
I know what you’re saying. SnapChat? Really? That’s the video thing where I can take a naked picture and it magically vanishes from existence when viewed? Well, I will let you test that last question for yourself, but SnapChat is on fire user-wise.
In today’s age, SnapChat must fit into the marketing plan of law firms. Many of the so-called legal marketing “gurus” say “hell no.” But why not? It is no different than other social media platforms.
Hear me out on this SnapChat thing. I am not only a self-professed legal marketing expert (hey, I have a marketing degree), but I am also a practicing personal injury attorney. Marketing is what makes my blood pump. It is my Viagra®. Okay, get the visual now?
SnapChat Gets the Point of Legal Marketing
The goal of any marketing medium is to make people pick up the phone. Does it happen that way in the legal industry? Um, no. Very few people, besides those sitting in jail, wake up in the morning and declare, “You know what I am going to do today? I am going to call a lawyer.”
Legal marketing must put your law firm at the top of minds. Not only must your law firm be top of mind, but it also must remain top of mind.
The majority of Americans can pop off one or more lawyer taglines instantly. My law firm’s tagline is “Call Cade. Get Paid!” It has been yelled in my direction while I was driving down the road, attending football games, and even in church. It makes me smile every time I hear those words. Validation that my firm is at least in those people’s minds.
You Are Alive!!!!
SnapChat offers lawyers the opportunity to look alive to the masses. Gone are the days of terrible Yellow Pages® ads, serious looking lawyers on billboards, and getting clients based upon a law firm’s history. The clients of today want to see that their lawyer is a normal person.
Personality is required to use SnapChat. It requires law firms to show something more than their serious side.
SnapChat requires you to think about your law firm’s brand personality. Is your law firm brand fun? Dull? Stuffy? Goofy? What is it that you want people to associate with your law firm brand?
Think bigger than “I want them to think we are the best” or “I want them to see dollar signs floating in their future.” Your law firm brand is your life. You must live it all day. It can be “Think Pink Law” or “Small But Mighty.”
Once your law firm brand is hatched, get on SnapChat to start being that brand. Be creative. Think outside the box on ways to make your SnapChat followers think of you as “The Man or Woman of a Particular Area of Law.” One little conversation about one of your little SnapChats could be all that is separating you from thousands of new followers.
Follow me on SnapChat as “cade-parian.” Build your tribe, folks.
Cade Parian is a Metro Atlanta based personal injury attorney with a nationwide practice. In addition to blogging on subjects about personal injury law, Parian also gives his blunt opinion on the tales of lawyer marketing. He thinks most lawyers suck at sales and marketing.