New Cancer Risks Associated With Baby Powder – The Parian Law Firm, LLC – Personal Injury Lawyers
Posted on - Monday, March 2, 2015 under Dangerous Drugs & ProductsI spent this past week in Chicago, Illinois meeting with and learning from some of the best personal injury lawyers in America. Many friendships were made, and multiple strategic alliances were formed with other lawyers all over America. I am happy to report that The Parian Law Firm, LLC ( is committed to ensuring that its clients have the best attorney team possible to get the results they deserve.
While surfing the internet during my downtime in Chicago, I read an article that I believe hammers home why you, the individual, deserves justice. About 2 years ago, Johnson & Johnson announced that it was removing some allegedly toxic ingredients from its baby and infant products. It even went so far as to put a positive advertising spin on the removal of those ingredients by stating that the ingredients were removed for their “customers’ peace of mind.” Who are those ads targeting? Yep. The mothers of those children using Johnson & Johnson baby and infant products.
However, what Johnson & Johnson is not telling you is how they are not looking out for the welfare of the mothers of those children. The National Cancer Institute ( announced that there is evidence that exposure of the female genitalia to talcum powder increases a female’s risk of developing ovarian cancer. Yet, Johnson & Johnson continues to produce baby powder products and other shower products routinely used by women containing talcum powder. You will find NO WARNING LABEL WHATSOEVER on the product about the risks.
There are several lawsuits pending on behalf of women who used Johnson & Johnson baby powder products. Hopefully, these lawsuits will get the attention of the corporate behemoth to remove the cancer-causing ingredient, or at a minimum, place a simple warning on the product. The personal injury lawyers at The Parian Law Firm, LLC stand ready to fight for the justice you deserve if you believe that talcum powder is a potential cause of your or loved one’s ovarian cancer. Call us today at (770) 727-5550 or visit our website at to fill out a contact sheet.
Proven. Personal. Parian.
The Parian Law Firm, LLC – Personal Injury Lawyers – Atlanta GA – Carrollton GA – Birmingham AL