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    FedEx Driver Arrested on Suspicion of DUI

    Posted on - Monday, January 12, 2015 under DUI, Truck Accidents

    There are many factors that lead to injuries from a commercial trucking accident.  The truck driver may be tired, he may have been speeding, or maybe the truck driver was rocking out to his favorite song while not keeping his eyes on the road.  All of those mistakes can lead to tragic consequences.

    But do commercial truck drivers drive their trucks drunk?

    There is news out of Smithfield, Utah that a FedEx driver is being charged with DUI after wrecking his delivery truck. The FedEx driver was making deliveries in a residential area of Smithfield when he drove his truck into a creek.  The smell of alcohol was present at the scene.

    Amazing…..right?  The driver of a passenger car or truck is dangerous enough driving their vehicle drunk.  Add many thousands of extra pounds to a truck, and a drunk driver becomes even more dangerous.  Sadly, people are injured every year in tractor-trailer truck accidents involving drunk truck drivers.

    The Georgia tractor trailer truck attorneys of The Parian Law Firm, LLC will not stand to allow others to be injured by a drunk truck driver.  Driving your family car amid so many 18-wheelers is frightening enough.  We cannot allow any portion of those drivers drive drunk and cause injuries to others.  Call the Georgia trucking accident attorneys of The Parian Law Firm, LLC at (770) 727-5550 if you or a loved one has been injured in a trucking accident.

    Proven. Personal. Parian.