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    Class of 2015

    Posted on - Friday, May 22, 2015 under General

    A Letter to the Class of 2015

    Ladies & Gentlemen:

    The Class of 2015 is a title reserved ONLY for you.  You are high school graduates; an accomplishment 20% of the people your age have not accomplished.  Your achievements and experiences over of the past 18 years (give or take) got you to this point.

    Be proud of yourself.  Stand with your chest tall.  I salute you.

    I was in your shoes 18 years ago.  Here are some thoughts that I have developed in those 18 years.

    Take a minute and reflect on others in your graduation class.  Think about the diversity of your class.

    Congratulate the people you did not mingle with at school.  Give them a hug.

    Accept that not everyone walking across that stage has a support system at home.  Their view of what excellence is in life may be far below your standard.

    Tell those people to call you anytime.  Give them your cell phone number.  Be their lifelong friend.  Be a shoulder to cry upon.

    Never stop learning.  Teach yourself something new every day of your life.

    Last but not least, write a handwritten note to every person you want to thank for getting you to this point.  Writing those thank you notes will force you to think.

    The world is now yours.  Don’t limit yourself.  Go discover it.  I can be reached at if you ever need to run anything by someone.  I won’t tell your parents………

    Cade Parian

    Proven. Personal. Parian.