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    Georgia Truck Crash Lawyers

    Posted on - Monday, August 10, 2015 under Truck Accidents Georgia Truck Crash Lawyers

    Commercial Trucking Accidents Are All Different

    The words “commercial trucking accident” always bring to mind crashes involving tractor trailer trucks.  You can likely blame that on us lawyers.  In my opinion, the word trucking should be removed from that description.  Many people suffer injuries or even death in crashes involving simply “commercial vehicles.”

    A commercial motor vehicle is defined by the federal government and most states as any vehicle weighing over 10,001 pounds that is used in commerce.  Therefore, any vehicle that either alone or when combined with a towed trailer that weighs over 10,001 pounds is held to just about all of the same regulations that applies to the operation of a big rig.

    You Need an Experienced Commercial Truck Crash Lawyer

    As discussed in numerous other articles, just about every lawyer on planet Earth holds themselves out as a personal injury lawyer.  However, you should not simply rely on that statement being on their website or sign.  A lot of so-called personal injury attorneys treat commercial truck wreck cases as big car wreck cases.  That is simply not true in any way.

    By treating a commercial truck wreck case like a big car wreck case, a personal injury lawyer is missing opportunities to maximize the results for his or her client.  The Atlanta GA truck wreck lawyers of The Parian Law Firm, LLC have the knowledge and relationships necessary to help you get the full value of your case.  Our lawyers are heralded nationwide for putting together all-star teams of lawyers to beat the multi-million dollar companies we fight against.  We have worked with many great lawyers across the country and have learned how to handle trucking crash cases.

    Delays Work to the Advantage of the Trucking Company & Their Insurer

    As soon as you are able, please contact or have a loved one contact an experienced truck crash lawyer to get moving on the case.  Trucking companies and their insurers have boots on the ground almost immediately.  The people in those boots have one job:  Protect the trucking company and truck driver.

    The sooner you hire a trucking lawyer, the sooner he or she can get to work preserving evidence.  This involves sending letters out to all appropriate people asking them to preserve any evidence pertaining to the crash.  Your attorney should, at a minimum, get those letters out, visit the accident scene, take a look at the vehicles involved, get in touch with witnesses, and work to discover all trucking documentation.

    Failure on your part to act immediately can affect your case.  The Atlanta GA truck wreck lawyers of The Parian Law Firm, LLC know the right experts to get their hands on the evidence we need.

    It is Not Usually About the Truck Driver

    In speaking to many families that delayed contacting a trucking accident lawyer, the main reason for the delay is they did not want to take their anger out on a hard working truck driver.  We at The Parian Law Firm, LLC understand where that feeling comes from.  The majority of commercial truck drivers are good-hearted people working their tails off to provide for their families.  This is why many times the focus of a commercial trucking case is not about the truck driver.

    The focus usually surrounds the million dollar trucking companies.  With all of the government regulations, trucking companies are held to a very high standard of safety.  Even with this high standard, they still must make a profit.  Oftentimes, a trucking company’s practices allow or even encourage dangerous driving conditions.  The truck driver is left to answer a difficult question: Should I tell the company no or lose my job?  No person should be put in that predicament.

    The Bottom Line on Commercial Truck Accidents

    Be sure someone hits the ground running.  While rare, there have been instances of evidence going missing.  Give an experienced commercial truck wreck lawyer a call.  Our Atlanta GA attorneys are always available no matter where you live.  Simply call (770) 727-5550 or chat online live now with someone from our office.

    More Information About Trucking Accidents

    • What is Trucking Company Negligence?
    • Why Do You Hear About Tired Truck Drivers?
    • How Many Trucks Are Violating Regulations?
    • Who Has to Secure the Load on a Truck?