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    DePuy Hip Settlement Date Extended

    Posted on - Monday, February 23, 2015 under Dangerous Drugs & Products

    Defective DePuy ASR Metal on Metal Hip Implant Settlements Extended

    The FDA recalled the DePuy ASR hip implant back in 2010 due to lots of reports of metal leaching from the hip implants causing metallosis damage to the hip tissues.  An initial billion dollar settlement of the DePuy ASR hip implant lawsuits covered patients who had their Depuy ASR hip implant replaced on or before August 31, 2013.  The settlement program has now been extended.

    DePuy Hip Implant Settlement NOW Covers All Patients That Had Their Defective DePuy ASR Hip Implant Repaired on or before January 31, 2015.

    The settlement provides patients with a base payment of $250,000 for each failed hip based upon certain criteria set forth in the DePuy Defective Hip Settlement.  More money damages may be awarded for other complications or extraordinary injuries.  As of now, no timetable has been set for when new claimants must enroll in the settlement.

    Our DePuy Hip Implant Lawyers Can Help You Obtain Maximum Compensation For Your Failed Hip Implant Claims.  Call (770) 727-5550 today.  Unfortunately, claiming the money you are entitled to requires mounds of paperwork and legal positioning.  Our Defective Hip Implant Lawyers are experienced with assisting clients to obtain ALL AVAILABLE money they deserve.

    Proven. Personal. Parian.